Recorded Intuitive Guidance
for personal and business decisions.
When your essence of the unknown is sensed and described your intuitive needs received, ‘in the moment’ and into the future, are reassured for clear, direct and honest outcomes.
You get the language and insights through natural vibrational patterns that align with your personal uniqueness, at your conscious and subconscious levels.
Your Physical, Mental and Emotional equilibrium balanced with your Intuitive needs for personal future Clear-Vision can provide you with certainty to move forward.
Dean's Expertise and motivation
In 1980 Dean was in need of certainty when he realised that basic psychology was not enough. He was intutively lead to a renowned clairvoyant in New Zealand, who surprised him with her uplifting accuracy of personal intuitive guidance. He asked how he could do what she had just demonstrated, and with encouragement to study, apply discipline and dedication, he began to use and teach metaphysical subjects. Dean ran his own Clairvoyant Insight business for over a decade, until another renowned clairvoyant worker predicted that he would be working for a training company.
After meeting his true life partner Yvonne at business breakfast club conference in Sydney 2001, his migration to Australia immediately followed. They both direct Maddison Training, and Dean continues his recorded Intuitive Clairvoyant Sessions, as well as incorportaing Intuitive Quotient Assessments with personal and business training.
Author: The Nine Human Essences for Your Business Success, with Intuitive Quotient (InQ)
Author: The Nine Human Essences for Your Personal and Relationship Success
Mastery of Intuitive Assessment (well over 25,000 recorded sessions)
Use of intuition in the corporate industry, as Branch Manager and Group Travel Manger; intuition used for sales and service with clients and with the manager's responsibilities
Seminars and workshops to encourage the cultural change of how to know self, create self and understand others in personal relationships and/or a working environment.